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I’ve got some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that all the hard work (and billions in tax incentives) expended supporting the “Tech Valley” dream is looking pretty good for the Capital Region’s long term prospects.

The bad news is that you’re probably not going to get a piece of it.

In the strategy sessions we hold with clients at our office, we spend lots of time defining the target market.  Discussing distribution strategies.  Brainstorming tactics.  We argue and debate and ultimately whittle down all the possibilities into a finely honed formula for producing more sales and profits.

And then a client asks one final question; “how will we monetize Global Foundries?”

I get it.  I really do.

The Albany - Schenectady - Troy market is #58 (source: The Nielsen Company) and the transition to a more diversified private sector in our economy has been hard fought.  We have a right to feel good about our wins.  But are we entitled to get a little piece of the action?

No.  No we’re not.

It may not be a popular notion, but as big a win as landing Global Foundries promises to be (along with GE’s planned job growth, Sematech and others), that tide will not lift all boats.  Most of us are still going to have to do the hard work of marketing and selling to our usual customers and pursuing other growth opportunities.

To that end, keep your eyes on the prize - your core customer.  We use a specific tool - called the Audience Decision Matrix - to create the laser focus needed to capture their attention as the economy warms.  Do the work needed to get inside the head of the decision maker and who has their ear.

Learn their routines.  Where they hang.  What they think is important.

Don’t let the Malta miracle distract you.  Stick to the fundamentals.  If you’re meant to get a share of the winnings, then good planning will bring the opportunity to do so into focus.


Envelopes that sell

I came across a really enjoyable entry on the Direct Creative Blog about great direct mail envelop designs.  Online coolness gets all the love and adoration.  But here is proof that great creative (and money making power) is still put on paper and in the mail.

A direct mail envelope for a recipe book. Lots of color and excitement with a token showing through a window to encourage involvement -

Here’s one selling a conservative newspaper. Simple design with a focus on a bold headline, teaser copy and a token -

Having seem my share of inter-office envelopes, this one’s caught my attention -

Here are some more envelopes featured on the blog:




