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Seduction is an art…and a science.

A brief glance across the room. Penetrating eye contact and a smile. A brush of the hand…

Well you get the idea.

Good marketing aims to move beyond seduction.  To take a “passer by” beyond fascination with your shiny new thing to legitimate and immediate target.  That means dinner, dancing, and dating.

It’s rational economics.  Moving them through the sales cycle by helping them see the true cost of NOT acting.

Stoke their fascination. Make friends. Have rational conversations. You offer a solution, or excitement, or notoriety. Whatever problem they really want to solve.  And you do it at a justifiable cost.  It’s not just money. Sometimes its not money at all.

Its time, comfort, or prestige for example.

Make it easy for them to talk to you. Online, offline, in person. Let them get involved with you - with forums, social media, and live events.

What brought them to your door was only skin deep.

What brings them into your living room is the comfy couch, great music, good coffee, and intelligent conversation that connects.

Posted by: Steve Banis